Sagarputra - Offspring of the Sea

Pooja Das Sarkar | India | 21 mins | 2021

LANGUAGE: Marathi, Hindi with English subtitles.

The oldest inhabitants of Mumbai - the Koli fisherfolk from the village of Trombay Koliwada, are gradually moving away from the livelihood of fishing.

Why is this happening?

The toxic, plastic-filled seawater, and being locked in by the government's infrastructure projects on all sides, leaves the Kolis with no choice but to look for alternate sources of income.
Based on research conducted by Lalitha Kamath and Gopal Dubey from the School of Habitat Studies at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (made as a part of the Inhabited Sea Project initiated by the University of Pennsylvania), Sagarputra looks at the struggles and modes of resistance of the Koli community to claim their space, livelihood, and identity under unprecedented environmental and social circumstances.

This film was an official selection for ALT EFF 2021.